

NewsGator helps individuals and businesses improve the way they find information and communicate internally and externally. We offer a wide range of RSS aggregation products and social media tools.

* NewsGator Enterprise Server helps organizations take news and updates from the Web, the blogosphere, premium content providers and internal applications and systems and automatically deliver it to places where their employees can easily find and use it ─ portals, mobile devices, their desktops or preset folders in Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes. We also offer Enterprise RSS via an integrated Enterprise 2.0 suite.

* NewsGator Syndication Services provide a widget framework for newspapers, magazines and other online content providers to increase page views and improve audience engagement through the use of interesting text, audio and video content.

* Our award-winning RSS readers for individuals including FeedDemon (Windows), NetNewsWire (Mac), NewsGator Inbox (Microsoft Outlook), NewsGator Online (Web) and NewsGator Go! (Mobile) make users more productive and informed by consolidating news and information in one place.

NewsGator and our products have won numerous awards from a wide variety of prestigious magazines and Web sites. NewsGator Enterprise Server was named one of InfoWorld’s 2007 Technologies of the Year and was a Trend-Setting Product of 2006 by KM World. FeedDemon has received significant accolades including a 2006 Editor’s Choice award from CNET, while NetNewsWire received back to back Eddy awards from MacWorld magazine in 2004 and 2005. The company has been named to the eContent 100 list "Companies that Matter Most in the Digital Content Industry" for four straight years. In addition, NewsGator has been chosen by AlwaysOn as one of the Top 100 Private Company award winners.

For more visit: http://www.newsgator.com/